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2014.04.04 23:10 | アーティストニュース

PROTEST THE HERO、Arif Mirabdolbaghi(Ba)の脱退を発表

PROTEST THE HERO、Arif Mirabdolbaghi(Ba)の脱退を発表

"ファンから資金を募集して制作する"というアルバム制作方法が話題になったPROTEST THE HEROから、ベーシストのArif Mirabdolbaghiが脱退したことが明らかとなった。脱退理由は、別プロジェクトに力を入れるためとのこと。バンド側は、彼の行動に理解を示し彼がいつでも戻ってきても良いように待っていると述べている。また、当面のツアーには最新作『Volition』を手掛けたプロデューサーのCam McLellanがベーシストとして同行することになっているので心配は要らないようだ。今後のバンドと彼の動向を見守っていきたい。バンドから発表されたコメントは以下の通り。

"The cat's out of the bag. Despite what you may of read already, here's the real scoop:

Arif has decided that the touring schedule we have signed up for to support Volition is more intense than what he is prepared to commit. He is actively involved with other projects at home and being a full time band member isn't a practical thing. Though he has and will be missed out on the road with his brothers, everything was left on a positive note and we are open to his involvement down the road and only time will see how it all plays out. In the meantime, our longtime friend and tourmate Cam McLellan will be filling in on bass duties for the rest of the cycle. As an amazing musician, co-writer and producer of Volition, he is more than capable to pick off where Riffy left off. Don't fret, Cam's working on his giant happy smile and well placed high kicks during our set!"