2014.09.03 19:30 | リリース情報
USデスコア・バンドAS BLOOD RUNS BLACK、今秋リリースするニュー・アルバム『Ground Zero』より「Insomniac」のリリック・ビデオ公開!
アメリカ発のデスコア・バンドAS BLOOD RUNS BLACKが、今秋リリースするニュー・アルバム『Ground Zero』より「Insomniac」のリリック・ビデオを公開した!
As Blood Runs Black - Insomniac (Lyric Video)
なお、AS BLOOD RUNS BLACKのドラマー、Hector "Lech" De Santiagoは自身のInstagramにて、バンドの解散をほのめかしている。彼らの今後の動向にも要注目だ。
After YEARS of uphill battles, dealing with legalities, politics, getting robbed blind by our ex label, left for dead and getting shelved by the industry...
I'm here to to say all things come to an end.
As Blood Runs Black was born in my parents basement and has been the biggest part of my life since 2003.
She was my daughter.
We had a dream and we ran as far as we could with it.
Forever in debt and grateful for the band of brothers (past and present) who risked their lives, contributed, and truly risked it all for the love and passion of music. We literally gave and lost everything in this storm.
THANKS to all who supported and gave us a chance to share our music with you guys.
We were all broken kids and you guys (and gals) gave us a chance to live.
『Ground Zero』